Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors are doctors trained in diagnosing and managing musculoskeletal conditions such as: headache, migraine, neck pain, back pain and referred pain to the legs, shoulders and arms. They also deal with shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, knees, ankles and feet.
Treatment emphasizes joint manipulation (known in chiropractic as “adjustment”), but includes other soft tissue techniques, therapeutic modalities such as laser therapy, ultrasound and shockwave. Chiropractic also deals with foot biomechanics, lifestyle modification, exercise and other rehabilitation programs.
Our style of chiropractic focuses on acute care management.People who are experiencing pain and come to our clinic for pain control, an understanding of their condition and a plan on how to manage this condition to prevent problems in the future.
Chiropractic services are covered by most extended health insurance plans from your work or privately.